7 Social Worker Resources to Make Your Life Easier

7 Social Worker Resources to Make Your Life Easier
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Every social work superhero needs a few tools to get the job done. This blog explores our top seven social worker resources to make your life easier. description

Calling all champions of social work—the real-life superheroes who don their invisible capes daily! You manage unpredictable schedules, juggle an often overwhelming workload, untangle complicated family dynamics, and do it all with hardly a moment to spare. Although it can feel like you’re battling a powerful supervillain, we see you. We applaud your dedication and tenacity, and we think it’s high time your heroic deeds got some backup.

We searched high and low to assemble a list of social worker resources to make your life easier. These gadgets rival a superhero’s toolbelt, and tackle everything from case management to meditation. And yes, we even have a solution for those pesky supervillains: case notes.

#1: Notehouse — Your Note Management Sidekick

Picture this: you’re sitting at your desk, buried under a pile of case notes, trying to remember the details of your last interaction with a client. Enter Notehouse, a user-friendly platform that helps you take notes like never before. Notehouse enables you to engage with the human in front of you instead of searching for context. That means no more digging to find the right note at the right time.

Notehouse keeps everything tidy, accessible, and straightforward. It’s easy to learn, simple to use, and highly customizable. Categorize notes with unlimited tags, create reports, share information with your team, and use access controls to protect private info. With a commitment to solid security using HIPAA-compliant servers and two-sided encryption, Notehouse gives you a private and protected way to take, store, and organize top-tier notes about your humans.

#2: Headspace — A Breather for Your Superheroic Life

Even a superhero needs time to re-energize, and Headspace makes finding that sanctuary amidst the chaos easier than ever. Meditate, breathe, or just listen to calming sounds. Regardless of what allows you to recharge and remind yourself why you’re working so hard, Headspace can be a helpful tool to find your center again. And it’s also beneficial for your clients: studies show that mindfulness meditation can significantly improve well-being for anyone—not just superheroes.

#3: Doodle — Sorting Out Unpredictable Schedules

As you probably imagined, we simply had to include a scheduling tool in our list of social worker resources, because even the fastest superhero alive would struggle to balance the whirlwind schedule of a social worker. Meet Doodle, the perfect scheduler for a busy life. 

This tool helps you manage your calendar precisely, making adding meetings as easy as a few clicks. With Doodle, you can propose several time slots to clients, colleagues, or entire teams, and let them choose what suits them best. The result? A tidy timetable makes complicated, email-heavy logistics a snap. 

#4: Pocket — Inspiring (and Saving) New Ideas

As inspiring as social workers are to us, you need a place to develop energizing ideas for yourself. Pocket lets you save articles, videos, and stories from any publication, page, or app. You can curate your space and fill it up with everything that interests you, or save ideas that help you connect with your clients. From the latest social work research to motivational stories that bring out the best in your clients’ lives, Pocket gives you an easy way to curate and organize vital insights.

Want to get more out of your saved ideas? Pair Pocket with Notehouse’s customizable tag-based system to share relevant stories, employ social work best practices, and re-energize throughout the day.

#5: Coursera — Supercharging Your Knowledge 

Like a supergenius, you’re a sponge for knowledge, but you can’t always count on having the time or energy to dig into your favorite areas of study. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to improve your professional knowledge without returning to school. Coursera is an on-demand digital campus, offering courses from top universities on subjects ranging from psychology to social work ethics. 

And the best part of this educational resource is that you can learn at your own pace. Coursera is like having a personal mentor who’s always ready to quench your thirst for knowledge, but only when you feel up for a session.

#6: Canva — Your Visual Communication Multitool

Canva lets you design your own visual aids with ease. Whatever you wish to depict, Canva puts simple, intuitive design tools at your fingertips. Whether you’re crafting a presentation or creating infographics, Canva’s browser-based platform helps you deliver a message that clients are more likely to absorb. 

For example, research from the Journal of Education and Practice revealed that visual elements enhance learning for the majority of students. Another study shows that adults who have learning difficulties understand more with helpful visual aids. 

Canva can also be a great tool for the designer in you by making it easy to present your ideas in a visual format that’s easy for your clients to digest. 

Oh, and here’s a pro tip: combine Canva with Notehouse, and never forget to share a helpful visual with a client who might benefit from it.

Unleashing Your Superpowers With the Right Tools

No superhero goes into battle without trusty gear, and our real-life social work superheroes shouldn’t either. From the note management supertools of Notehouse to the calming fortress of Headspace, these gadgets are designed to empower and reinforce your efforts. Each of these seven social worker resources can help you in a different (but significant) way.

Because let’s face it: social work is tricky. And the superheroes who take on the tough jobs deserve a helping hand. So, here’s to you, the champions of social work. May these resources give you the backup you need to lift the burdens your clients can’t lift alone.


Encyclopedia of Social Work - Meditation, Mindfulness, and Social Work 
Journal of Education and Practice - Impact of Visual Aids 
Journal of Disability - Visual Support for Adults with Learning Disabilities


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