Why Humans Love Our Note Taking Software

“Notehouse is the #1 user friendly note taking software that I have ever worked with!! I have experienced several other note taking softwares that make it extremely confusing and overwhelming to access. However, Notehouse gets the job done without the other complicated stuff. I love the dedication of the Notehouse team to the software and the extremely friendly service I have received since day 1. My team and I look forward to continue utilizing Notehouse as our only note taking and client data management information software.”
- Pamela Cabrera Bahay, Senior Program Officer
The Platform of Hope

"As a social worker it is hard to find a software to help with client notes. Unlike other social workers, I work at a school that doesn’t have a logging software. I hated using a word pad to log things. It’s hard to find notes and it’s hard to keep track of things as I do them. I opened this program and it was instantly what I needed. After trying many programs it was a relief to finally find something easy to use!"
- Tracey F., School Social Worker
notehouse notes girl

Notehouse Features

FInally, an affordable, easy to use case management software built to make the work of nonprofit leaders, counselors, managers, and social workers easier.

  • Easy implementation - Ease-of-use was our top priority when building Notehouse. We can get you set up in minutes and enable you to import files in bulk. Need to add or delete users? No problem.
  • Organization - With unlimited tags, case/client files, and notes you’ll always have easy access to what you need. Additionally, you can search for files or notes by keyword from the home page.
  • Storage - Notehouse saves your work to the cloud, which makes it easy to pick up where you left off and use collaboratively.
  • Work Where You Need - Notehouse is mobile-friendly, usable on PC/Mac/Android/iPhone. Out in the field? Notehouse has talk-to-text capabilities for note-taking.

How We Created the Easiest Digital Note Taker On Planet Earth

Once upon a time, our Founder and CEO Lauren Burke worked in nonprofit and education spaces for over a decade, where she fought on the front lines of the most pressing social issues, representing domestic violence survivors, young people, and immigrant youth in educational settings.

In 2017, Lauren took her show on the road, connecting with helpers all over the US to provide free legal services out of her van. Guess what she found? Way too many folks taking notes with pen and paper. Nothing against keepin’ it old school, but efficient note taking has come a long way in recent years!

Rising to the challenge of developing the most user friendly note taking software on the planet, Lauren sat down and sketched out a blueprint for a digital note taker that could be customized to meet everyone’s work/life/dream goals. Lauren’s tech pal Jourdan, social worker mom, and legal service friends contributed some much-needed expertise and BAM! Notehouse was born.

Today, Notehouse collaborates with hundreds of nonprofits, educational institutions, and direct-service providers, showing them how to take notes at work the human way. We value access, so we keep Notehouse affordable and so easy to learn that anyone can use it—even your Great Great Uncle Charlie who isn’t a fan of all that techy gadget stuff.

Simply put, Notehouse is for everyone—and for you.
